Wednesday, 19 August 2009

barefooting 2

A great day at Barefoot Doctors - I started feeling pretty ropey - stiff hands and knees - but after a warm-up and some movement - a great exercise where a small group of us had to move as a single organism - a flowing sophisticated follow-my-leader - I loved it despite the painful joints and fatigue.
We pretty quickly moved on to the the main purpose of the remainder of the summer school, which is to collaborate in producing a short performance piece based on the idea of standstill - a notional point around the winter solstice, when days change from getting shorter to growing longer.
So many ideas to play with - the stress and rush of xmas, rebirth, the passage of time, the opposition of light and dark, day and night, activity and torpor.
I'm asked to work with Anwyl and Jo supported by Susan - and this turns out to be a really sparky combination - loads of ideas which we are now busying ourselves with turning into a performance for our colleagues. I find this kind of collaboration energising, but have to restrain myself from jamming in too many ideas - I make myself listen, and of course its worth it. I really enjoy working with A, J and S.
Lots of stuff to do tonight getting things together - printing, words, kit, blah, blah.
By the end of the day I was feeling much better than in the morning - tired but energised and pain pretty much in the background.
Roll on tomorrow...

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