Sunday 2 December 2007

work in progress...

Sad, soft, saturated light seeps into Sunday’s corners, and heaps greyness like slush
I ache for snow to overwhelm the sound of improbable traffic
And give way to a deluge of feeling -
Some women long for longed-for babies, tears overflowing; sing songs, make hay, right wrongs
Some men search for words; grasp at songs long unsung; recline, descend into memory without recall, documenting decline
We all make do and mend, do the do-able, try to lead while laughing - dancing out of control
This starts, that ends
Meanwhile I digest poison, it calms me as I listen for news of death, and wait on news of life
I want for nothing but comfort and comforting
Life then, like lava, hot and unstoppable, carrying, charring, hardening, just to hear the sound of cracking rock and falling ash


  1. Hello Tony
    I am so glad that you have submitted another blog. You have a great talent for poetry. Your words lit up my inner-vision. So thank you for that.
    It was a great pleasure to converse with you the other day. You are a good dude Tone. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
    Warm wishes Klahanie :-)

  2. Hi Tony,

    "You are a poet..and I didn't know it" I hope you are keeping as well as possible under the circumstances, and I look forward to seeing you again some time soon....D x

  3. great to see you bloggling Tone! Snow and the orange glow! Hope you're well. Em x

  4. Superb.

    Seasonal good wishes to you and Pen and guys.

    Leigh (and Dawn)
